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PT PLN (Persero) Tanjung Jati B Generating Unit or better known as PLN TJB which continues to commit to increasing synergy and engagement with vendor partners, holding seminars and exhibitions entitled TJB Infinite 2019, at Patra Semarang Hotel, Semarang, Central Java, Tuesday (7/30/2019).

In this second year event, TJB Infinite took the theme “Driving Beyond Power Plant for Better Life”. PLN TJB realizes that the electricity business in Indonesia is moving towards a better direction.

In addition to the seminar, an electrical exhibition was also held in this event which was participated by dozens of TJB vendors. In this 2019 TJB Infinite, awards are given to electricity stakeholders. And on this occasion PJBS managed to bring home 2 trophies at once, namely, The Most Favorite Booth and The Best of K3 Compliance (Services).

Hopefully the event that is expected to increase good cooperation with TJB ​​partners and vendors can take place every year.

Greetings READY Reaching The Sky! 👍🏼

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