Handover Position New Board of Directors of PT PJB Services


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On Friday (08/05/2016) and after the event Motivation Seminar, the event continued with the agenda Handover Position PJBS Directors. On this occasion, the Board of Directors of the Old and New Board of Directors signed Handover Position witnessed by Vice shareholders and employees PJBS Headquarters.
As the newly appointed Board of Directors PJBS are:
1. President Director: Mr. A. Djati Prasetyo
2. The Director of Planning and Marketing: Mr. I Nyoman Awatara
3. Operations Director: Mr. Ompang Reski Hasibuan
4. Finance Director: Mr. Rudy Hertanto
5. The Director of Human Resources & Administration: Mr. Adi Setiawan.
Mr. Hari Suharso, Mrs. Rokhayati, and Mr. Trimurti Ekho thanked to PJBS and told us to keep the spirit in carrying out assignments in a variety of conditions.
With the new Board of Directors was confirmed there is a new spirit, ways and new methods that will deliver PJBS be much better. Congratulations to the New Board of Directors who have been inducted.
Salam SIAP Reaching The Sky

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