PLN NP Services won the 2023 Industry Marketing Champion Award

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Hello PLN NP Services friends!

After successfully holding the Indonesia Marketing Festival (IMF) for ten consecutive years in several main cities in Indonesia and seventeen years holding the MarkPlus Conference in Jakarta, the IMF has become a meeting place for business, industry and government circles. In 2023, MarkPlus Indonesia will again present IMF in 7 main Indonesian cities offline, one of which is in Surabaya on Thursday, 07 September 2023.

This year, the topic of the Indonesia Marketing Festival (IMF) is ENTREPRENEURIAL MARKETING Beyond Professionalism to Creativity, Leadership, and Sustainability. Carrying a concept inspired by the Punokawan and Pandawa figures – mythical symbols from Indonesia. The Omnihouse Model itself consists of two clusters, namely the entrepreneurial cluster which consists of creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership (CI-EL) elements and the professionalism cluster which consists of productivity, improvement, professionalism and management (PIPM) elements. .

At the 2023 IMF, the President Director of PJBS, Mr. Teguh Widjayanto, succeeded in winning East Java Marketing Champion 2023, at the 2023 Industry Marketing Champion Awards. This award was given because Mr. Teguh Widjayanto was deemed to have demonstrated extraordinary ‘marketing spirit’ that is worthy of emulation. These figures are also considered to have succeeded in having a significant positive impact, especially on the performance of the company where they work and on the wider community in general.

Representing Mr. President Director, the award was received by Mr. I Nyoman Awatara as Director of Planning and Marketing of PJB Services, also present at this event was Mrs. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Governor of East Java, who received the title of Governor Srikandi: Punokawan Spirit as a form of work appreciation, thanks to the increasing economy of Java East.


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