PJBS Receives Award SMK 3 From the Governor of East Java

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In Order To cultivate K3 in a corporate environment, especially in East Java, the Department of Labor and Population Transmigration East Java province in collaboration with the Government of East Java Province, On Wednesday (04/22/2015) held a Trustees Award K3 Zero Accident and SMK3 in Grahadi Surabaya. The event aims to cultivate K3 besides also to create a workplace that is safe, comfortable, healthy and productive. It is delivered by Edi Purwanto Head of Dept. Manpower and Transmigration Population East Java province in the report accountable in front of the Governor, the Regent / Mayor and the companies that received the award.
A total of 10 districts / municipalities receiving the award, ie, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Pasuruan, Surabaya, Sumenep, Tuban, Lamongan, Blitar, Mojokerto and Lumajang. While the Company’s award recipients Zero Accident 2014 in East Java region number 346 Company. In 2015 increased 17% so that the total summary become 405 companies.
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While PJBS itself in this case awarded the Safety and Health Management System (SMK3) which has been designated by the Governor of East Java No. 188/52 / KPTS / 013/2015 on January 23, 2015 as the result of the Audit Sucofindo (Persero) with 86.00% votes (Satisfactory).
Hopefully the results of this achievement motivation for PJBS forward in creating a workplace that is safe, comfortable, healthy towards zero accidents in order to realize an increase in production and productivity of the nation.

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