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Yesterday, Wednesday (06/24/2015) has made the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Manpower and Transmigration and Population (Disnaker) East Java province with PJBS. Attending the ceremony MoU officials from East Java Disnaker ie, Suhartoyo, Setijo Budi Sutrisno, and Plt. Disnaker head Drs. Sukardo, MSi. And from PJBS represented by the CEO Hari Suharso, Director of Operations Ompang Hasibuan and Human Resources Training Manager PT PJB Services Sukardi.
The MoU aims to establish cooperation in the field of training and certification of experts to develop and prepare human resources and PJBS labor which skilled and competent. In addition Disnaker also provide facilities and Workshop and Balai Latihan Kerja supervised directly by the East Java Disnaker. In addition to the above two points Disnaker will also support a skilled workforce and competent in accordance with the needs required by PJBS, especially in the field of power generation.
Hopefully, with the establishment of cooperation can improve PJBS competence in the field of Operation and Maintenance of Power Plant in Indonesia and further strengthen the preparation PJBS in the success of government programs 35,000 MW.