PT PLN Nusantara Power Services have subsidiary PT Mitra Karya Prima (PT MKP) which was established in Surabaya by Deed dated 23 September 2004 No. 16, made before Notary Mrs. Erna Anggraini Hutabarat, legal scholars, Deed has been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights No. C-14198 HT 2005 01:01 dated May 25, 2005 the shareholding:
Reviews- 75% owned by PT PLN Nusantara Power Services and Welfare Foundation
- 5% owned by the Cooperative Aneka Bakti.
Based on the Ministry of Justice No. AHU-23735.AH.01.02 of 2013 dated May 2, 2013 on Approval of Deed No. 9 dated February 8, 2013, the total stock of Rp. 2.717391 billion, - the shareholding structure changed to:
Reviews- 92% owned by PT PLN Nusantara Power Services of Rp. 2.500.000.000, -
- 8% owned by PT Nusantara Power Welfare Foundation of Rp. 717 391 000, -
aims and objectives of the establishment of PT MKP is to organize labor services business based on the principles of industrial and commercial healthy by applying the principles of a Limited Liability Company (PT). To achieve these objectives PT MKP can be execute:
Reviews- The operations of service providers in the form of labor,
- service training and workforce skills,
- technical services,
- management consulting services,
- Security Management,
- building maintenance services and services related to PT MKP. Ol>