Ethical Use Of Social Media in PJBS


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For ease in communicating with stakeholders khusnya employees, PT PJB Services makes social media such as facebook and twitter. Of course, much remains to be addressed by the manager in the technical management of social media. Improvements will continue to be made to realize that good communication between the company and employees. All employees, partners are expected to take advantage of social media is so intertwined PJBS conversations and discussions were intensive and constructive.
Through the various social media company information can be communicated to employees, and vice versa employees are expected to provide input in order to create effective communication.

PJBS social media accounts, among others:
Facebook: Infomedia PJBS
Twitter: @ InfoPJBS

In communicating, users should pay attention to the ethics of communicating through social media, among others:

  1. Mempertimbangkan information that would be submitted, whether good or bad for the company, themselves, or others who read
  2. Apabila to comment, should use polite language, easy to understand, do not blaspheme that can harm themselves, companies or other parties, as well as not using language that bersinggunangan with SARA, pornography, violence, and immoral
  3. Apabila post a comment in facebook, or twitter about another person or another company, make sure you have the right to do so
  4. Bersikap professional in giving criticism, not berusahaan dropping or vilify companies / others
  5. Menghormati others, and avoid the argument that leads to invade other people’s privacy
  6. Khusus PJBS disseminate information to employees through the company’s social media resources can be obtained from the website, facebook, twitter or official sources from the company. If you know or read the absence of customer complaints / complaints about the company’s employees, in order to continue to service the unit or related parties to be followed up

Regards S.I.A.P

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