Anti-Bribery Management

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PT PLN NP Services is committed to building a culture of anti-bribery integrity through policies signed with the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of PT PLN NP Services number 134.K / 010 / DIR-PJBS / 2020 and 003.K / DEKOM-PJBS / 2020 concerning Anti-Fraud Policy in PT PLN NP Services, which includes the Anti-Bribery Management System and implements ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS)
This is based on :
1. Presidential Decree 54 of 2018, namely the realization of anti-bribery management in the Government & Private sector with success criteria, namely the implementation of an anti-bribery management system for the private sector (and business entities)
2. BUMN ministerial letter number S-35 / MBU / 02/2020, namely that SOEs need to apply ISO 37001 and / or the Corruption Prevention Guide issued by the KPK
3. Letter of the Secretary of the Ministry of BUMN Number: S-17 / S.MBU / 02/2020, namely all BUMN are required to carry out ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System certification and obtain certification before August 17, 2020
4.GMS Directive Letter number A3225000 dated 27 October 2020, namely to build a culture of anti-corruption integrity through the implementation of SMAP SNI ISO 37001: 2016 and immediately set up for the certification process
This commitment is to create a company condition that is free of corruption, collusion and nepotism through the application of the 4 NO’S principles, namely No Bribery, No Kickback, No Gift, No Luxurious Hospitality in carrying out every business process in a transparent and accountable manner by upholding the application of Good Corporate principles. Governance (GCG).
DOWNLOAD Our Company Regulations Regarding Anti Fraud : SK Tahun 2020 Tentang Anti Fraud